Capital Projects

These projects are funded by the City of Lincoln's Capital Improvement Project program. 

Bella Breeze Park
  • Located within the Twelve Bridges community, bordered by Bella Breeze Drive, Cabra Street, and a nature preserve.
  • The park master plan was approved and adopted in March 2024. The ultimate park concept and phasing information can be viewed on the project page linked below.

Bella Breeze Park Master Plan

Aldo Pineschi Jr. Park (formerly known as Henry Rood/Brentford Circle Park)
  • Located within the Lincoln Crossing neighborhood, adjacent to Scott M. Leaman Elementary School.
  • Contract for design services was awarded January 2022.
  • Online survey for the park masterplan conducted Spring 2022. Thank you for your participation!
  • Design Concepts were approved by the Park & Recreation Committee on September 7, 2022
  • Biological survey of the park site was performed and a need for environmental permits was identified. On March 14, 2023, City Council approved additional environmental services to obtain PCCP/CARP (Western Placer County Aquatic Resources Program) approvals and to address CEQA requirements for Henry Rood Park. The scope of services includes biological surveys, studies, coordination with PCCP and preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum that is required for PCCP approval. As of June 2024, the Certificate of Authorization has been received from the PCCP. 

  • Construction contract is out for bids. Bid opening is scheduled for mid-August.

Jimenez Park Phase 3

  • Located within the Lincoln Crossing neighborhood, bordered by Groveland Lane and Ferrari Ranch Road.
  • Phase 3 improvements will include a lighted soccer field, minor concrete work such as curb and sidewalk, drainage facilities and pocket picnic trellis, as well as parking lot improvements.
  • As of July 10, the contractor has completed all underground utility work and has begun paving the parking lot. Sports light poles are being raised and will be installed in the coming weeks, along with some landscaping. We anticipate installing the soccer field sod in the coming month. This work does require a full park closure, which went into effect on June 4. The aerial images below show the progress made to date.

Drone photo showing progress of Jimenez Park Phase 3 project as of July 11, 2024

Drone photo showing progress of Jimenez Park Phase 3 project as of July 11, 2024


  • Due to the construction of parking lot improvements, the existing gravel parking lot is closed, eliminating the safe and accessible pathway to all park amenities. Parking lot construction and park closure began June 4 and is anticipated through November 2024. A map showing the parking lot construction area is below.

    Jimenez Park Parking Lot Construction Area Jun-Nov 2024

  • Construction updates will be announced on the front page of the City’s website under Newsroom and Notices.

Developer Projects

These projects are built and funded by developers.

Independence Parks

Park Construction Status

  • Park D (Vasion Park) was accepted at the July 23, 2024 City Council meeting. The park is now open!
  • Park A (Eadie Park) is working through final repairs and adjustments before preparing the Notice of Completion. Park B (Busey Park) & Park C (Sandstad Park) are still in construction and will be in 90-day landscape establishment period through the summer.
  • After the final landscape walk and any necessary repairs/replacements are completed, staff will work with developer to prepare Notices of Completion (NOC) for Council approval. Parks will be open to the public after NOC's are accepted by City Council.