Boards Commissions and Committees
Current Local Board/Committee/Commission Openings
Committee Vacancy Notice
The City of Lincoln is currently soliciting interested citizens to fill vacancies on the various Board/Committee/Commissions. If you are interested in serving, advisory committee applications are available at City Hall, 600 Sixth Street or at the City's website – download application. Please return your application to the City Clerk of the City of Lincoln and the City Clerk will contact you. If a vacancy doesn't currently exist on a committee you are interested in, we will keep your application on file.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Hope Ithurburn at 916-434-2494 or via email at [email protected].
The City Clerk's Office administers the opening, notification, application, interviewing, and appointment process for vacancies on the City's various Board, Commissions, and Ad Hoc Committees. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the City Clerk's office by e-mail or at 916-434-2494.
The City of Lincoln encourages participation of a wide variety of its citizens through service on an advisory body. Unless specified, there is no special education, training, or background required for appointment.
Airport Committee
No required qualifications but experience with aviation issues is desirable. |
Economic Development Committee (EDC)
No required qualifications but experience with attraction and retention of businesses is desirable. At least three public members of the EDC shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln. |
Fiscal and Investment Oversight Committee (FIOC)
Must have demonstrated knowledge, experience, training or education in municipal finance, general accounting practices, budgets, and investments. |
Library Advisory Board (LAB)
No required qualifications but experience with library policy and operations is desirable. At least four public members of the LAB shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln. |
Parks and Recreation Committee
No required qualifications but experience with Parks & Recreation programs is desirable. At least six public members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln. |
Planning Commission
No required qualifications but experience with planning and land use is desirable. All seven public members of the commission shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln. |
Application Process |
Follow these steps to apply for a position on a local board or committee. |
Learn about boards and committees in the City |
Review the information on this page and contact the City Clerk for additional information. |
Complete the application |
Submit a paper application to the City Clerk's office. If there are no current vacancies or you are not appointed to a body at this time, we'll keep your application on file for at least two years. |
Screening and interviews |
Applicants shall be screened and interviewed by the City Council. |
Appointment |
The Mayor, with the consent of the council, will appoint the committee member. In general, you can only serve on one advisory body at a time. |
City Commissions
The City currently has two commissions. Learn more about:
City Boards and Committees - Public Members
Airport Committee
The committee shall be an advisory body to City Council on policy issues affecting the Lincoln Airport. The committee shall create a document to be approved by a resolution of City Council identifying the purpose, intent, responsibilities, and functions of the committee. CHAPTER 2.52 - Airport Committee 2.52.030 - Composition The committee shall consist of seven members, with five public members appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.50 and two members of the City Council appointed by a majority of the City Council:
Two councilmembers appointed by a majority of City Council:
City Staff: Sean Scully, City Manager |
Economic Development Committee (EDC)
The EDC shall be an advisory body to City Council on matters related to the attraction and retention of businesses; development and review of plans, programs, and strategies that relate to job creation; property and sales tax generation; and to serve as a source of local input into economic development. CHAPTER 2.62 - Economic Development Committee 2.62.030 - Composition The EDC shall consist of nine public members appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.50, two councilmembers selected by the City Council, the City Manager, and one additional city staff person. At least three public members of the Economic Development Committee shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln:
Two councilmembers appointed by a majority of City Council:
City Staff:
Fiscal and Investments Oversight Committee (FIOC)
The committee shall be an advisory body to the City Council on all financial, fiscal, and investment matters. The committee shall assist City Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by:
The City Council may task the committee with additional responsibilities or projects at a duly noticed general or special meeting of the City Council. CHAPTER 2.54 - Fiscal and Investments Oversight Committee 2.54.030 - Composition The committee shall consist of seven voting members, comprised of the City Treasurer and six city residents appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.50. The finance director, City Manager and other necessary city personnel will staff committee meetings, but will not be voting members:
Library Advisory Board (LAB)
The board is an advisory body to the City Council regarding the City's library and shall make recommendations to City Council concerning library policies and the operation and administration of the library. CHAPTER 2.59 - Lincoln Library Board 2.59.020 - Composition The library board consists of six public members. At least four public members of the library advisory board shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln:
Two councilmembers appointed by a majority of the City Council:
Library Advisory Committee (LAC)
The committee is an advisory body to the Lincoln City Council, the Western Placer Unified School Board of Trustees, and the Sierra College Board of Trustees. It shall make recommendations to these bodies concerning library policies and the operation and administration of the Lincoln Public Library at Twelve Bridges. Composition Members of the LAB are automatically members of the LAC. Members representing Western Placer Unified School District and Sierra College are appointed by these agencies. |
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
The committee shall be an advisory body to the City Council on policy issues affecting the city's park and recreation programs including, but not limited to: facility expansion, creation of new programs, reduction or change in program capacity, and marketing of park facilities and programs. The committee's objective in advising the Council shall be the provision of public recreational and leisure facilities and services by maintaining the city's existing park and recreation programs and developing new programs, based on public demand and the city's financial capacity, to serve the community's leisure and recreational needs. CHAPTER 2.56 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee 2.56.030 - Composition The committee shall consist of nine public members appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.50. At least six public members of the park and recreation advisory committee shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln:
A non-voting councilmember is appointed by a majority of the City Council:
Planning Commission
The planning commission duties are prescribed by Section 65101 of the Government Code. The planning commission shall serve as the "advisory agency" as the term is used in the Subdivision Map Act and shall consider such matters as may be prescribed by applicable state law and ordinances of the city. The planning commission shall form a five-person ad hoc theming and naming committee as necessary. CHAPTER 2.60 - Planning Commission 2.60.020 - Composition The planning commission shall consist of seven public members appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.50. All planning commission members shall reside within the city limits of Lincoln:
Councilmember Appointments
In addition to appointments on the advisory bodies above, councilmembers are appointed to a number of local and regional boards and committees. View a full list of city councilmember appointments.
Regional Boards and Committees
Placer County Air Pollution Control District (PCAPCD)
Visit the County's website for additional information on the PCAPCD.
Regional 2x2x2 (Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville) - Borders Committee
Contact the City Clerk's office for additional information. Appointees
Placer County Economic Development Committee
Visit the County's website for additional information on the Economic Development Committee. Appointees
Placer County Flood Control/Water Conservation District
Visit the County's website for additional information on the Flood Control/Water Conservation District. Appointees
Greater Sacramento
Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
Lincoln Rural Municipal Advisory Council (MAC)
Visit the County's website for additional information on Lincoln MAC. Appointees
Sheridan Rural Municipal Advisory Council (MAC)
Visit the County's website for additional information on Sheridan MAC. Appointees
Lincoln Titan 1-A Missile Restoration Advisory Board
Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA)/South Placer Regional Transportation Authority (SPRTA)
Visit the County's website for additional information on PCTPA and SPRTA. Appointees
Placer Mosquito and Vector Control Board
Visit the County's website for additional information on the Mosquito & Vector Control Board. Appointee Peter Gilbert (former Lincoln Councilmember) |
Placer Conservation Authority
Visit the County's website for additional information on the Placer Conservation Authority. Appointees
Pioneer Community Energy Board
Visit the County's website for additional information on the Pioneer Energy Board. Appointees
Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)
Visit SACOG's website for additional information on SACOG. Appointees
Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA)
Visit the Authority's website for additional information on WPWMA. Appointees
City Select Committee
Visit the County's website for additional information on the City Select Committee. Appointee Mayor Holly Andreatta |
Lincoln-SMD1 Wastewater Authority (LiSWA)
Visit their website for additional information on the Committee. Appointees
Regional 2x2 - Regional Water Authority (RWA)
Visit the Authority's website for additional information on RWA. Appointees
Regional 2x2 - Nevada Irrigation District (NID)/City
Visit the District's website for additional information on NID. Appointees
Regional 2x2 - Placer County Water Agency (PCWA)/City
Visit the Agency's website for additional information on PCWA. Appointees
Western Placer Unified School District 2x2