View the City's New Financial Transparency Dashboard

The City of Lincoln strives to operate in a manner that is both transparent and accountable to the public. Being transparent is much more than just opening the financial books to residents who have an interest, it is a state of operating where information is in the open and easy to find. The City of Lincoln hopes you find this transparency page both informative and helpful.

Required Government Reports

SB 272 (Senate Bill 272 The California Public Records Act: local agencies: inventory)

This bill requires local agencies, except a local educational agency, to create a catalog of enterprise systems, to make the catalog publicly available upon request in the office of the person or officer designated by the agency's legislative body, and to post the catalog on the local agency's Internet Web site. The bill requires the catalog to disclose a list of the enterprise systems utilized by the agency, the current system vendor and product, unless, on the facts of the particular case, the public interest served by not disclosing that information clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure, in which case the local agency may instead provide a system name, brief title, or identifier of the system.

Enterprise Catalog

SB 165 (Senate Bill 165 Located Agency Special Tax and Bond Accountability Act)


FY 22/23 - Annual Report for CFD 2003-1

FY 22/23 - Annual Report for CFD 2006-1

FY 22/23 - Annual Report for CFD 2019-1 


Special Tax Accountability Report


FY 22/23- Annual Report for CFD 2004-1

FY 22/23- Annual Report for CFD 2004-2

FY 22/23 - Annual Report for CFD 2010-1

FY 22/23 - Annual Report for CFD 2018-1

FY 22/23 - Annual Report for CFD 2018-2


AB 1600 (Assembly Bill 1600 The Mitigation Fee Act)

This bill requires agencies to report annually on the fees collected and their use. If an agency has not kept up with the Mitigation Fee Act reporting requirements, their impact fee fund balances are at risk.


Fiscal Year 22/23 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2022-23

Fiscal Year 21/22 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2021-22 & 5-Year

Fiscal Year 20/21 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2020-21

Fiscal Year 19/20 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2019-20

Fiscal Year 18/19 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2018-19

Fiscal Year 14/15 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2014-15

Fiscal Year 13/14 - Annual Report for PFE Fees FY 2013-14

AB 1666 (Assembly Bill 1666 Community facilities districts: reports)

This bill requires the legislative body of a local agency that has formed a Community Facilities District (CFD) to post specified information on their website.


Mello Roos Reports:

1998 Mello Roos Fiscal Status Report

2007 Mello Roos Fiscal Status Report


Marks Roos Reports:

1999 Marks Roos Fiscal Status Report

2001 Marks Roos Fiscal Status Report

2007-0377 Marks Roos Fiscal Status Report

2007-0378 Marks Roos Fiscal Status Report

2011 Marks Roos Fiscal Status Report


CDIAC Yearly Status Reports:

2023 CDIAC - Lincoln CFD No. 2005-1 2016 Sorrento

2023 CDIAC - Lincoln CFD No. 2005-1 2014 Sorrento

2023 CDIAC - Lincoln CFD No. 2005-1 2013 Sorrento


View Historical CDIAC Yearly Status Reports


CFD 2005-1 Sorrento Project Reports:

CFD Tax Administration Report FY 2023-24


CFD 2004-1 Stormwater Retention Basin Maintenance Report:

Annual Report FY 2022-23


CFD 2004-2 Auburn Ravine Improvement / McBean Park Open Space / Rodeo Grounds Open Space Preserve Maintenance District Report:

Annual Report FY 2022-23


CFD 2018-1 City Maintenance Services Report:

Annual Report FY 2022-23


AB 1483 (Assembly Bill 1483 Housing date: collection and reporting)

This bill requires public agencies to publish on their website a current schedule of exactions for housing development projects, which includes special taxes levied pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act.

Tax Administration Report - AB 1483 Report

Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) - Form 806

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) - Form 806 is the Agency Report of Public Official Appointments.  An official may vote to hold another position even if the voting official will receive additional income, so long as the public is informed prior to the vote or consent item. FPPC Regulation 18702.5 requires the filing of  Form 806 under these circumstances. When there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, the Form 806 is updated to reflect the change. The form must be updated promptly as changes occur.  Each agency must post on its website a single Form 806 which lists all the paid appointed positions to which an official will vote to appoint themselves, go here to view the 2024 posting

Levine Act

The Levine Act requires a Party to a Proceeding before the City of Lincoln that involves any action or consideration related to their contract, license, permit, or other entitlement for use, to disclose any campaign contributions to City elected or appointed officials totaling more than $250 within the 12 months prior to the City decision.  


Learn More

Maddy Act


2024 Maddy Act

In compliance with the requirements of the Maddy Act, California Government Code Section

§54970, the following appointment list of the City of Lincoln's Board, Commission and Committee members is posted on an annual basis.  The names on this list are subject to changed based on term expiration and resignations that occur during the year.  

Go here to review 2024 Posting.

 Additional Information

City Council

The City Council is responsible for setting policies, passing ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committee members, and hiring the City Manager and City Attorney.

For additional information on City Council please visit their page.

City of Lincoln Legislative Platform

The City Council approved the updated Public Policy Platform for Local, Regional, State and Federal Advocacy at their May 12, 2020 City Council meeting.

City of Lincoln Strategic Action Plan

Review the City's Vision, Mission & Strategic Priorities in their Strategic Action Plan.

City Clerk's Office

The City Clerk's Office performs a variety of professional and administrative duties in accordance with the Elections Code, Public Records Act, Political Reform Act, Brown Act and the City Municipal Code.

For additional information on the City Clerk please visit their page.