City Council Transition from At-Large to District Elections

The City of Lincoln transitioned from at-large elections to district elections for City Councilmembers in 2020. At the January 28, 2020 City Council meeting, City Council adopted this district map:

Picture of Districts

 At the February 4, 2020 City Council meeting, City Council unanimously adopted Ordinance 10004B  related to district elections.  Districts 3, 4 and 5 voted in the November 3, 2020 election to elect Councilmember Joiner to district 3, Councilmember Lauritsen to district 4 and Councilmember Karleskint to district 5. The other two districts are scheduled to vote on November 8, 2022. The City is currently going through the redistricting process, to find out more about that process go to the Redistricting Portal.

To find out what district you live in please go to this interactive district map and enter your address. This web app allows you to zoom in at the street or house scale but it looks best on either a computer or tablet.  If you open it on your phone, the street names will not display until you are zoomed in at the street/neighborhood scale.


District 1

Map of district 1.

Holly Andreatta was re-elected to the Lincoln City Council in November 2022 and represents District 1 – go here to Holly's webpage.

District 2

Picture of District 2

Ben Brown was elected in November 2022 and now represents District 2 – go here to Ben's webpage.

District 3

Picture of district 3

Paul Joiner was re-elected to the Lincoln City Council in November 2020 and now represents District 3 – go here to Paul's webpage.

District 4

Picture of District 4

Bill Lauritsen was elected to the Lincoln City Council in November 2020 and now represents District 4 – go here to Bill's webpage.

District 5

Picture of district 5

Dan Karleskint was re-elected to the Lincoln City Council in November 2020 and now represents District 5 – go here to Dan's webpage.