Useful information:
- EIN/TIN# (IRS Employer Identification Number) 94-6000356
- DUNS # (Dun & Bradstreet Number) 004949160
Current Annual Audit Reports |
FY 2023-24
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
Financial Statements |
Investment Reports |
Financial Transaction Summary Reports |
Current Financial Transaction Summary Report
Purchasing / Contracts |
Current Purchasing / Contracts Report
Warrants |
Current Warrants Report
AP - Checks by Date
Unclaimed Property |
UNCLAIMED PROPERTY - STALE CHECKS NOTICE Annually, the Finance Department will publish a notice identifying all such money that remains unclaimed for three years in a local newspaper of general circulation on or before August 31st. The owner/depositor, their heir, beneficiary or duly appointed representative may file an unclaimed property claim form which must include the claimant's name, address, telephone number, Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number, amount of claim, and the grounds on which the claim is founded within 45 days of the date shown above. |

Other financial reports can be accessed here

Other historical financial reports can be accessed here