event at night in plaza with lights

 The City of Lincoln is proud to have residents and visitors host a variety of special events. This enhances the lives of the community contributing to the City. We are proud to put our community and its amenities on display for all to enjoy and visit.

Lincoln holds special events coordinated by the City Recreation Department, community service groups, local businesses, or event companies. Many special events are held throughout the year bringing the community together. These events bring attention to our downtown plaza and surrounding Lincoln business. They add to our local economy that helps fund police, fire, parks, recreation and libraries. We will be bringing back our Mayors Cup Golf Challenge in 2025. 

Starry sky image with Movie under the Stars title
Movies Under the Stars

View movie showings and locations

Image of pickleball courts with grand opening information
The Big Dill


TIME: 10am - 2pm

LOCATION: McBean Park Pickleball Courts

"The Big Dill" is back in 2025! The grand opening celebration of our McBean Park Pickleball Courts was a big success so we are planning another.  The event will offer demos, clinics, tournaments, skills challenges, youth game zone, food trucks and vendors. 

Turkey image running
Turkey Trot 5k Fun Run

Learn more about our annual Turkey Trot

Moon and haunted house image
Fall-o-Ween Fun

Floating Pumpkin Patch & Downtown Trick or Treating  

grass of golf course
Golf Tournament

Mayors Cup Golf Challenge will return in 2025

New Event coming soon
New Event Coming Soon

New event in the works

Planning a special event?

A Special Event Permit is a needed for any organized event which involves the use of public property, public facilities or city streets.

Our instructions are here to help guide you through the permit process. It is our goal to assist event organizers in planning safe and successful events while having a minimal impact on the community and residents.

PLEASE take time to review the application requirements before submitting. The approval and permit process can take up to 10 weeks. Please allow at least of 90 days to process a Special Event Permit.

How to obtain a Special Event Permit

  1. Fill out a Special Event Permit Application
  2. Submit your application with application fee to the Lincoln Recreation Department at 2010 First Street, or submit via email to [email protected]. Submittal via email is preferred.
  3. If submitting by email, the application will be processed and an invoice for the application fee sent back via email. The invoice will need to be paid prior to committee review.
  4. The event coordinator may be required to present an application request to the SEI committee for conditional approval. A meeting with the committee may be required depending on the scope of your event.
  5. Provide the needed documentation at least 30 days before your event:
  • All certificate of Insurances, listing the City of Lincoln as additional insured;
  • Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License (if needed);
  • Proof of security officers (if needed).

Pay all additional fees pertaining to your permit at least 30 days prior your event date. Late fees may occur. 

City of Lincoln offers sponsorship/partnership opportunities:

hands holding heart