Find music CDs in the Library catalog

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Only looking for music CDs? Include “music CD” in your search. We add this to the title of every music CD in our collection.

Downloadable and online eAudiobooks

Download popular music CDs for all ages from our online collection. Listen on your computer or get the Hoopla app for your smart device.

Check out our PDF cheat sheet of all the Library's online and streaming collections.

hoopla: eBooks, audiobooks, comics, movies, music and more

• 4 checkouts each calendar month

• All items available immediately - no wait lists, ever.

• Stream or download titles

• Register with your library card number and e-mail

• Browse the collection online or in the Hoopla app

• Digital CDs check out for 7 days

Loan period and check-out limits

You can check out up to 10 physical CDs at one time, and you can keep them for three weeks. CDs without holds renew twice automatically - we'll e-mail you with your new due date. Digital CDs check out for one week. See our full loan periods and check-out limits page for details.