Learn about the rich history and vibrant present of Native American communities. We offer resources for all ages and in all formats, including:

  • Nonfiction that highlights the diverse cultures and many accomplishments of Native American communities
  • Fiction that presents Native American and Indigenous communities in accurate and positive ways
  • Works created by Native American authors and illustrators

Find the Native American Collection on the shelves

The Native American Collection is not shelved in one location in the Library, but items are identified with a spine label. You'll find these items with other materials of the same format, subject, and audience. Whether you are looking for picture books or research materials, you'll find that Native American communities have been part of the story.

To find specific items in the Native American Collection, please search the Library catalog.

Find the Native American Collection in the Library catalog

Search the Library catalog

You can browse our Native American Collection by searching for the “Native American Collection”. You can add this phrase to any search to find items on that topic that are part of the Native American Collection.

Related to our Native American Collection is our Environmentalism Collection. Also funded by the United Auburn Indian Community, this collection focuses on our environment and conservation. Find it by searching "Environmental Collection" in our catalog

Native American Research Resources

You can access these resources in the Library, or at home with your library card number.

Detail of traditional Native American beadwork
American Indian Experience

Access in-depth historical accounts and cultural information about Native American communities. Includes information on the early Native America, Western expansion, and present-day life.

Detail of a traditional Native American headdress
American Indian History Online

Get fast access to more than 15,000 years of culture and history from over 600 Native American groups – including those in California.

Funded by the United Auburn Indian Community

The United Auburn Indian Community makes this collection possible through annual financial support. The United Auburn Indian Community is invested in enriching the community through economic development, education services and a commitment to aid philanthropic programs.

The United Auburn Indian Community is comprised of both Miwok and Maidu Indians. The historic Auburn Rancheria is located in the Sierra Nevada foothills in Auburn, California.

Learn more about the United Auburn Indian Community.