Mandatory Recycling Commercial Regulation

New: Mandatory Commercial Recycling Regulation – Effective July 1, 2012

As of July 1, 2012, state law (AB 341) requires certain businesses and multi-family housing of five or more units, to recycle. See the information below to find out if this law applies to you and if you are in compliance.

Who is affected?

All businesses, public and private, generating four or more cubic yards of waste weekly, including but not limited to:

  • Corporations
  • Government Entities 
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Retail Establishments
  • Schools
  • Multi-family housing with five or more units

Business Commercial Recycling Requirements

A business (includes public entities) that generates four cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste per week or is a multifamily residential dwelling of five units or more shall arrange for recycling services. Businesses can take one or any combination of the following in order to reuse, recycle, compost or otherwise divert solid waste from disposal:

  • Self-haul.
  • Subscribe to a hauler(s).
  • Arrange for the pickup of recyclable materials.
  • Subscribe to a recycling service that may include mixed waste processing that yields diversion results comparable to source separation.

How can affected entities comply with the new State Regulation?

One Big Bin – The good news is that businesses subscribing to garbage collection services in Placer County are already in compliance with the new regulations. That's because with the One Big Bin program, garbage is taken to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where most recyclables are separated from the garbage for you! Learn more at

Are additional recycling opportunities available?

Self Haul – Separate your recyclables yourself and take them to one of the following:

Western Placer County

Still more questions?

For more information on the Mandatory Commercial Recycling law and the responsibilities of business owners, visit the CalRecycle website:

To learn how the MRF works in Lincoln, California, visit  and watch the video.

For more information, please email City staff at