Temporary Banner Permits
How to Apply
- Submit a Temporary Banner Permit Application
- Submit 2 copies of dimensioned plan showing frontage of building. Must show the property owner's signature on each copy.
- Submit 2 copies of a picture or drawing of the proposed sign as it will be seen on the building elevation/frontage. Include dimensions, proposed colors, and materials. Must show the property owner's signature on each copy.
- Refer to Master Fee Schedule for Fee amounts
- Maximum size is 32 square feet
- Banner cannot extend past the roof line
- Banner must be affixed to the building
- Must provide adequate clearance – please check with Building Department for clearance requirement at your proposed location
Submit Permit Package
You can submit your permit package and check payment at the Building Permit Counter:
City Hall
Community Development Department, 2nd Floor
600 Sixth Street
Lincoln, CA 95648
Temporary Banners are allowed for no longer than 90-days. If a sign remains after the allotted 90-days, the City may remove it.