Chief of Police

The Chief of Police is responsible for overseeing the entire operation of the Lincoln Police Department, including all units and department functions. While there are numerous delegates that assist the Chief of Police, the position is ultimately responsible in ensuring that the department is providing appropriate services to the community.

Contact: Chief of Police Matt Alves

Secretary to the Chief of Police: Renee Maldonado

Operations Division


Patrol is the largest unit of the department. Patrol consists of uniformed police officers in marked police units who respond to calls for service, enforce the laws and arrest and/or cite violators, and proactively patrol the city.

Contact: Lieutenant Keith Johnson


The Investigation unit is responsible for investigatory follow up on crimes that have been reported.. The unit regularly investigates violent crimes, financial crimes, thefts, and other crimes. They also conduct special operations and undercover investigations as needed.

Contact: Lieutenant Keith Johnson


Communications is responsible for taking telephone calls from citizens needing police or medical assistance and for directing police, fire, and ambulance to those calls. They handle a large volume of telephone calls, while at the same time communicating with other police and fire units.

Support Division


The Records unit coordinates the retention and distribution of police reports, including California Public Records Act requests. They are also charged with ensuring the appropriate flow of information within the department.

Contact: Cathy Marsh

Citizen Volunteers

Citizens on Patrol, or "COP"s act as additional eyes and ears for public safety, serve as goodwill ambassadors for the Police Department and the City, and support the operations and administration functions of the Police Department.

Contact: Volunteer Coordinator Jeff Morse

Animal Control

The Animal Control unit works to ensure the safety of citizens and pets while enforcing animal related laws. The City of Lincoln currently contracts with Placer County Animal Services for its animal control service.

Placer County Animal Services

Monday through Saturday 9am - 5pm

After Hours and Holiday’s Contact:

Lincoln Police Dispatch

Property and Evidence

The Property and Evidence unit is responsible for the storage and processing of physical evidence. Some of their duties include preparing evidence for court, disposal of evidence, and the return of property to its owner.

Contact: Janelle Gurnee
